Thursday, October 25, 2012

Halloween Filmmaking

            Halloween Filmmaking

    Halloween is coming and I thought that some of you might want to shoots some short horror films for the holiday. In years past this usually involved using a video camcorder, but thanks to the iPhone and the quality footage that it can recorded I would suggest using it.

    Today I will be offering up three shorts that were shot using the iPhone 4s. The first is a Star Wars fan film titled Storm Troopers Day Off. There could have been many things done to make it look more cinematic, but the quality of the video is top notch. Online it looks really good by any standard yet alone the standard usually used to judge iPhone filmmaking.

    The second video is a Halloween fan film. There will be a great many of them shot this years. I think that the camera work was good. The kids acted better than okay and the choice of going black and white was a solid on.

    The last film is titled Neighbourhood Watch. I would have liked a steadier picture, but for what I believed is handheld work it is a solid little movie.

    Okay that will be it for today. The next post will be about overseas movies that have been shot with the iPhone. I love how seriously some of these filmmakers are taking it.

    Try to add us to your google plus and to tell a friend about this site. We are growing, but it is hard to get people to visit and to interact. If any of you have an iPhone film on Youtube or Vimeo let me know about it by leaving a comment and if it is good I will post it.
    I have a bonus video. It was shot using the iPhone 5.  Enjoy.
The Snugg