Saturday, January 18, 2014

Iphone 5 Short and The Iphone as Film making Support

Today I have an iphone 5 short film for you that comes along with a BTS video as well. I wish more film makers who shoot with the iphone would do behind the scene videos because this style of film making is still new and there is not much other there about the subject.

Iphone film makers should look at themselves in the same way that other low budget film makers do. This is a real industry. This is a growing industry and over the next few years will become part of the mainstream film industry. Of course this can only happen if those who are out there in the trenches shooting films are willing to record their experiences. To also write and talk about the tricks and short cuts that they have learned along the way.

I believe that this short film was shot in South Africa. It was shot on the iPhone 5. Following the film will be the behind the scene’s footage.

Next I would like to talk to you about using the iPhone as a way of supporting your overall film. You may shoot your film using a Dslr or a camcorder, but there are scenes where these devices are not the best ones for the job. Your iphone can capture the footage that you need. The film that I am going to show you is a found footage film that was shot using a web cam, iphone and a Gopro. I did a full length interview with the film maker, and you can read that interview by clicking here.. There are problems with shooting a film with the use of multiple devices, but if you do your research before hand, you will be able to overcome the editing and footage problems.

The title of the film is Encounter.

Just Deals
Thank you for visiting my blog. If you would like to learn more about what it takes to be a full time filmmaker then I would suggest checking out my book of interviews with film makers. The book contains a ton of hands on information about low budget film making. You can find it on Amazon by clicking here.